Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Adam's New Hair

Adam Mikhael
Originally uploaded by azfiqs

Sian Adam rambut mcm girl. We blame the barber because he thought that Adam was a girl. So he cut his hair with a girly style.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Weeknd ni my friend zalen dtg visit dr köln. Plan nak gi swimming sambil ushar2 gadis sbb cuaca panas gile skang tapi tak jd pasal weekend ni tetibe plak ujan. so lepak2 je la. But last night tgh nak makan..potong tomato pakai pisau ceramic..tersalah budjet force..pasal kalo pisau biase umah ni tumpul je..kene kuat sket..tatau plak pisau ceramic tu tajam gile..boooom.

Seblom berdarah leh bukak cut tu n nampak isi putih..heh Niceone.

Result: 2 Stitches and a titanus injection

Tak pasal2 kene jahit. 3rd in all time record. 1st mase sunat..2nd mase pijak kaca. come to think about it..kinda kewl heh but annoyingly uncomfortable

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emirates Cup

Smlm kitorg pegi tgk bola. First time la Adam pegi stadium bola. Adam jerit 'Waaaaah!Waaaaaah!' sampai semua org gelak tgk dia excited....hehhehe...tapi lps tu dia terlelap pulak sambil tgk bola...

Arsenal lawan Athetico Madrid = 2-1. Within the last 5 minutes semua gol. Ade org yg dah kluar awal nak avoid crowd, rugiler miss semua gol...Environment dia mmg bestlah....for someone who doesn't like football like me pun excited, Abg Taufik lagilah...mcm budak dkt candy store..sengih je manjang...hehehe...