Monday, July 27, 2009

Gambar lama

Found this old photo of us. Masa Mama, Abah and Acah dtg graduation Klong. Ngah pun dtg visit from Germany. This photos was taken depan rumah pakwe kaklong masa tu....hehehe...tibe2 je Abah ckp nak amik gamba dkt kete ni...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blue collar jobs

Since dah tak dpt scholar ni..i ve been looking for part time jobs. Kalo dulu2..ade free time je gi travel ke..lepak jumpe membe2 ke ..mmg malas gile la nak keje..kat deutschland ni skali je pnah keje mase wat practical kat Daimler merc nicht mehr(not anymore). So last week i got this job at this company called NEMAK. keje kilang je tp kewl la gak.

Udo ..Sascha and Paul my wingman heh

Next week probally keje kilang lagi..tgk ah camne. Other than that this week lepak umah je layan latest Entourage. Addicted to that show.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


So this blog is a tribute to my family. Although we are related, we are totally different. Each of us think differently and have different characters or personalities. so i thought this way we can share stories, experiences, interest or anything to connect with each other better.
To Faeiz, Ali n Acah kat umah tu..rajin2 lah sket update. acah especially. kalo weekend tu wat kenduri ke ape..amik gambar n post je kat sini. acah nak cite pasal uia tu, tulis kat sini. amiklah gambar pakai hphone tradisional tu heh.